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PROBAR® announces release of two new BASE protein bars with caffeine

  • Ron 

Energy bar maker PROBAR® adds two new flavors to its BASE protein bar line. Chocolate Bliss and Coffee Crunch make their debut as PROBAR’s only bars with added caffeine. Whether you need an energy boost to aid in recovery post-workout or are simply looking to satiate your midday hunger, protein and caffeine complement each other perfectly.


PROBAR BASE™ has seen rapid growth across several channels since its initial release in spring 2013. With the addition of the two new flavors, the line now features six delicious flavors of gluten- and dairy-free protein bars. Unique to Chocolate Bliss and Coffee  Crunch is 55mg of caffeine from yerba mate, the equivalent amount to roughly half a cup of coffee or two bags of green tea.


Customer demand from key accounts encouraged PROBAR to deliver more SKUs and REI will carry the new flavors from day one. As the BASE product line continues to gain popularity worldwide, the two new flavors were created to have international flavor appeal.

BASE Chocolate Bliss and Coffee Crunch will be available online at beginning mid-September and in REI and other retail locations nationwide starting in October.

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